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Monday, December 28, 2015

XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

Can someone help me solve this:

"Tomcat Started/Stopped with errors, return code: 1 Make sure you have Java JDK or JRE installed and the required ports are free. Check the "/xampp/tomcat/logs" folder for more information."

I have installed Java JDK. Thanks

Answer by Magic-Mouse for XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

Is your java registered in the enviorement variables.

If you open console Win+R -> CMD and write java --version (For JDK) and java -version (for JRE) do you get any output ?

Answer by Alex for XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

WINDOWS-KEY + PAUSE (shortcut to System Properties), in system properties choose
Advanced system settings --> Environment variables --> add a new System variable:

Fill in:

Variable name: JAVA_HOME
Variable value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0 (or whatever your location/version is)

klik ok and done(maybe you should restart tomcat after this)

Answer by ioses for XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

Try to change your port. Maybe you have another app running in the port 8080.

If you run in the 8081 for example it will run correctly

Answer by Anonymous for XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

Run XAMPP with "Administrator Privileges" to start Tomcat. It is as simple as that.

Answer by Rahman Shaukat for XAMPP Tomcat/Error starting Tomcat

7:11:06 AM [Tomcat] Tomcat Started/Stopped with errors, return code: 1 7:11:06 AM [Tomcat] Make sure you have Java JDK or JRE installed and the required ports are free 7:11:06 AM [Tomcat] Check the "/xampp/tomcat/logs" folder for more information can any one guid me?

Fatal error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on a non-object in D:\XAMPP INSTALLASTION\xampp\htdocs\endunpratama9i\www-stackoverflow-info-proses.php on line 72


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