Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
Let's say you have a list of n numbers. You are allowed to choose m integers (lets call the integer a). For each integer a, delete every number that is within the inclusive range [a - x, a + x], where x is a number. What is the minimum value of x that can get the list cleared?
For example, if your list of numbers was
1 3 8 10 18 20 25
and m = 2, the answer would be x = 5.
You could pick the two integers 5 and 20. This would clear the list because it deletes every number in between [5-5, 5+5] and [20-5, 20+5].
How would I solve this? I think the solution may be related to dynamic programming. I do not want a brute force method solution.
Code would be really helpful, preferably in Java or C++ or C.
Answer by Vimal for Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
An effective algorithm can be(assuming list is sorted) ->
We can think of list as groups of 'm' integers.
Now for each group calculate 'last_element - first_element+1', and store maximum of this value in a variable say, 'ans'.
Now the value of 'x' is 'ans/2'.
I hope its pretty clear how this algorithm works.
Answer by Dweller for Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
I think it's similarly problem of clusterization. For example You may use k-means clustering algorithm: do partitions of initial list on m classes and for x get maximum size divided by two of obtained classes.
Answer by Peter de Rivaz for Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
Suppose you had the list
1 3 8 10 18 20 25
and wanted to find how many groups would be needed to cover the set if x was equal to 2.
You could solve this in a greedy way by choosing the first integer to be 1+x (1 is the smallest number in the list). This would cover all elements up to 1+x+x=5. Then simply repeat this process until all numbers are covered.
So in this case, the next uncovered number is 8, so we would choose 8+x=10 and cover all numbers up to 10+x=12 in the second group.
Similarly, the third group would cover [18,24] and the fourth group would cover [25,29].
This value of x needed 4 groups. This is too many, so we need to increase x and try again.
You can use bisection to identify the smallest value of x that does cover all the numbers in m groups.
Answer by David Prez Cabrera for Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
A recursive solution:
First, you need an estimation, you can split in m groups, then estimated(x) must be ~ (greather - lower element) / 2*m. the estimated(x) could be a solution. If there is a better solution, It has lower x than extimated(x) in all groups! and You can check it with the first group and then repeat recursively. The problem is decreasing until you have only a group: the last one, You know if your new solution is better or not, If there'is better, you can use it to discard another worse solution.
private static int estimate(int[] n, int m, int begin, int end) { return (((n[end - 1] - n[begin]) / m) + 1 )/2; } private static int calculate(int[] n, int m, int begin, int end, int estimatedX){ if (m == 1){ return estimate(n, 1, begin, end); } else { int bestX = estimatedX; for (int i = begin + 1; i <= end + 1 - m; i++) { // It split the problem: int firstGroupX = estimate(n, 1, begin, i); if (firstGroupX < bestX){ bestX = Math.min(bestX, Math.max(firstGroupX, calculate(n, m-1, i, end, bestX))); } else { i = end; } } return bestX; } } public static void main(String[] args) { int[] n = {1, 3, 8, 10, 18, 20, 25}; int m = 2; Arrays.sort(n); System.out.println(calculate(n, m, 0, n.length, estimate(n, m, 0, n.length))); }
Long numbers version: Main idea, It search for "islands" of distances and split the problem into different islands. like divide and conquer, It distribute 'm' into islands.
private static long estimate(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end) { return (((n[end - 1] - n[begin]) / m) + 1) / 2; } private static long calculate(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end, long estimatedX) { if (m == 1) { return estimate(n, 1, begin, end); } else { long bestX = estimatedX; for (int i = begin + 1; i <= end + 1 - m; i++) { long firstGroupX = estimate(n, 1, begin, i); if (firstGroupX < bestX) { bestX = Math.min(bestX, Math.max(firstGroupX, calculate(n, m - 1, i, end, bestX))); } else { i = end; } } return bestX; } } private static long solver(long[] n, long m, int begin, int end) { long estimate = estimate(n, m, begin, end); PriorityQueue islands = new PriorityQueue<>((p0, p1) ->[0], p0[0])); int islandBegin = begin; for (int i = islandBegin; i < end -1; i++) { if (n[i + 1] - n[i] > estimate) { long estimatedIsland = estimate(n, 1, islandBegin, i+1); islands.add(new long[]{estimatedIsland, islandBegin, i, 1}); islandBegin = i+1; } } long estimatedIsland = estimate(n, 1, islandBegin, end); islands.add(new long[]{estimatedIsland, islandBegin, end, 1}); long result; if (islands.isEmpty() || m < islands.size()) { result = calculate(n, m, begin, end, estimate); } else { long mFree = m - islands.size(); while (mFree > 0) { long[] island = islands.poll(); island[3]++; island[0] = solver(n, island[3], (int) island[1], (int) island[2]); islands.add(island); mFree--; } result = islands.poll()[0]; } return result; } public static void main(String[] args) { long[] n = new long[63]; for (int i = 1; i < n.length; i++) { n[i] = 2*n[i-1]+1; } long m = 32; Arrays.sort(n); System.out.println(solver(n, m, 0, n.length)); }
Answer by plainOldNerd for Algorithm to find the narrowest intervals, m of which will cover a set of numbers
1) You should look into BEST CASE, AVERAGE CASE and WORST CASE complexities with regards to TIME and SPACE complexities of algorithms.
2) I think David Prez Cabrera has the right idea. Let's assume average case (as in the following pseudo code)
3) Let the list of integers be denoted by l
keepGoing = true min_x = ceiling(l[size-1]-l[0])/(2m) while(keepGoing) { l2 = l.copy min_x = min_x-1 mcounter = 1 while(mcounter <= m) { firstElement = l2[0] // This while condition will likely result in an ArrayOutOfBoundsException // It's easy to fix this. while(l2[0] <= firstElement+2*min_x) { remove(l2[0]) } mcounter = mcounter+1 } if(l2.size>0) keepGoing = false } return min_x+1
4) Consider
l = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}, m=2 (gives x=2) l = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}, m=2 l = {1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000}, m=3
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