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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How do I debug Ruby scripts?

How do I debug Ruby scripts?

Ruby n00b here. I copied the following Ruby code from the Internet and made a few changes.

#insert code here  

But it doesn't work!

Please help. What can I do to debug the program by myself?

Answer by Andrew Grimm for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

  1. Print out the variables whenever possible. (This is called printf debugging) You can do this by running

    STDERR.puts x.inspect  


    STDERR.puts "Variable x is #{x.inspect}"  

    If you want to make this easier to type, then you may want to use the exemplor gem.

  2. Turn warnings on. If you're running ruby then run it with the -w switch (eg ruby -w script.rb). If you're running it from irb, and you're using a version of ruby prior to 1.9.2, type $VERBOSE = true at the start of your session. If you misspell an instance variable, once warnings are on you'll get

    warning: instance variable @valeus not initialized

  3. Understand the concept of a binary chop (the following quote is from Practices of an Agile Developer)

    Divide the problem space in half, and see which half contains the problem. Then divide that half in half again, and repeat.

  4. If you're successful with a binary chop, you may find that there's a single line that doesn't do what you expect it to do. For example

    [1, 2, 3].include?([1,2])  

    gives a value of false, even though you'd think it'd return true. In that case, you may want to look at the documentation. Web sites for documentation include, or APIdock. In the latter case, you'd type include? next to the magnifying glass near the top right corner, choose the include? which has Array underneath it (if you don't know what class [1, 2, 3] is, type [1, 2, 3].class in irb), and you get to include? (Array), which describes what it does.

    However, if the documentation doesn't help, you're more likely to get a good answer if you can ask a question on how a specific line isn't doing what it should, rather than why an entire script isn't doing what it should.

Answer by ghostdog74 for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

  1. You can print your variables out along the way
  2. Turn on the -w (warnings) flag
  3. Use a tool such as ruby-debug

Answer by germanlinux for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

  1. In Ruby:

    ruby -rdebug myscript.rb   


    • b : put break-point
    • and n(ext) or s(tep) and c(ontinue)
    • p(uts) for display

    (like perl debug)

  2. In Rails: Launch the server with

    script/server --debugger  

    and add debugger in the code.

Answer by Aaron Qian for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

The mother of all debugger is plain old print screen. Most of the time, you probably only want to inspect some simple objects, a quick and easy way is like this:

@result = fetch_result    p "--------------------------"  p @result  

This will print out the contents of @result to STDOUT with a line in front for easy identification.

Bonus if you use a autoload / reload capable framework like Rails, you won't even need to restart your app. (Unless the code you are debugging is not reloaded due to framework specific settings)

I find this works for 90% of the use case for me. You can also use ruby-debug, but I find it overkill most of the time.

Answer by banister for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

Use Pry (GitHub).

Install via:

$ gem install pry  $ pry  

Then add:

require 'pry'  

into your program.

Answer by NIA for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

All other answers already give almost everything... Just a little addition.

If you want some more IDE-like debugger (non-CLI) and are not afraid of using Vim as editor, I suggest Vim Ruby Debugger plugin for it.

Its documentation is pretty straightforward, so follow the link and see. In short, it allows you to set breakpoint at current line in editor, view local variables in nifty window on pause, step over/into ? almost all usual debugger features.

For me it was pretty enjoyable to use this vim debugger for debugging a Rails app, although rich logger abilities of Rails almost eliminates the need for it.

Answer by edx for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

As banister recommended: use pry! I can only agree on this.

pry is a much better repl than irb.

You need to add

require 'pry'  

to your source file and then insert a breakpoint in your source code by adding


at the place where you want to have a look at the things (this is like triggering a breakpoint in a classic IDE environment)

Once your program hits the


line, you'll be thrown right into the pry repl, with all the context of your program right at hand, so that you can simply explore everything around, investigate all objects, change state, and even change code on the fly.

I believe you can not change the code of the method that you are currently in, so you can sadly not change the next line to be executed. But good ruby code tends to be single line anyway ;-)

Answer by edx for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

printf debugging

There has always been a controversy around debugging techniques, some people like to debug by print statements, some other ones like to dig deep with a debugger.

I'd suggest that you try both approaches.

Actually one of the old Unix men recently said, that printf debugging was a faster way to go for him at some points.

But if you are new at some job and need to understand a big blob of code, then it's really usefull to step throughout there, putting some breakpoints here and there, going along with it how it works.

It should give you some understanding how the code is weaved.

If you are new to some other peoples software, It might help you to step through there.

You'll quickly find out if they arranged it in a clever way, or if that's just a bunch of shit.

Answer by DavidSilveira for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

I strongly recommend this video, in order to pick the proper tool at the moment to debug our code.

Personally, I'd highlight two big topics in this video.

  • Pry is awesome for debug data, "pry is a data explorer" (sic)
  • Debugger seems to be better to debug step by step.

That's my two cents!

Answer by nurettin for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

I just discovered this gem ( turns Pry into a debugger for MRI Ruby 2.0+ )

break SomeClass#run            # Break at the start of `SomeClass#run`.  break Foo#bar if baz?          # Break at `Foo#bar` only if `baz?`.  break app/models/user.rb:15    # Break at line 15 in user.rb.  break 14                       # Break at line 14 in the current file.  

Answer by Kelseydh for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

Debugging by raising exceptions is far easier than squinting through print log statements, and for most bugs, its generally much faster than opening up an irb debugger like pry or byebug. Those tools should not be your first step.

Debugging Ruby/Rails Quickly:

1. Best Method: Raise an Exception then and .inspect its result

The fastest way to debug Ruby (especially Rails) code is to raise an exception along the execution path of your code while calling .inspect on the method or object (e.g. foo):

raise foo.inspect  

In the above code, raise triggers an Exception that halts execution of your code, and returns an error message that conveniently contains .inspect information about the object/method (i.e. foo) on the line that you're trying to debug.

This technique is useful for quickly examining an object or method (e.g. is it nil?) and for immediately confirming whether a line of code is even getting executed at all within a given context.

2. Fallback: Use a ruby IRB debugger like byebug or pry

Only after you have information about the state of your codes execution flow should you consider moving to a ruby gem irb debugger like pry or byebug where you can delve more deeply into the state of objects within your execution path.

General Beginner Advice

When you are trying to debug a problem, good advice is to always: Read The !@#$ing Error Message (RTFM)

To be successful you need to read an error message carefully and completely before acting so that you understand what it's trying to tell you. When you debug, ask the following mental questions, in this order, when reading an error message:

  1. What class does the error reference? (i.e. do I have the correct object class or is my object nil?)
  2. What method does the error reference? (i.e. is their a type in the method; can I call this method on this type/class of object?)
  3. Finally, using what I can infer from my last two questions, what lines of code should I investigate? (remember: the last line of code in the stack trace is not necessarily where the problem lies)

To illustrate why interpreting in this order is important...

E.g. a Ruby error message that confuses many beginners:

You execute code that at some point executes as such:

@foo =    ...  

and you get an error that states:

undefined method "bar" for Nil:nilClass

Beginners see this error and think the problem is that the method bar is undefined. It's not. In this error the real part that matters is:

for Nil:nilClass

for Nil:nilClass means that @foo is Nil! @foo is not a Foo instance variable! Your problem is that have an object that is Nil. So when you see this error, it's simply ruby trying to tell you that the method bar doesn't exist for objects of the class Nil. (well duh! since we are trying to load an object of the class Foo not Nil).

Unfortunately, due to how this error is written (undefined method "bar" for Nil:nilClass) its easy to get tricked into thinking this error has to do with bar being undefined. When not read carefully this error causes beginners to mistakenly go digging into the details of the bar method on Foo, entirely missing the part of the error telling them that their object's class is wrong (in this case, it being nil). It's a mistake that's easily avoided if people just read error messages in their entirety.


Always carefully read the entire error message before beginning any debugging. That means: Always check the class type of an object in an error message first, then its methods, before you begin sleuthing into any stacktrace or line of code where you think the error may be occurring. Those 5 seconds can save you 5 hours of frustration.

tl;dr: Avoid rabbit holes by reading errors carefully before debugging.

Answer by kenorb for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

To easily debug Ruby shell script, just change its first line from:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby  


#!/usr/bin/env ruby -rdebug  

Then every time when debugger console is shown, you can choose:

  • c for Continue (to the next Exception, breakpoint or line with: debugger),
  • n for Next line,
  • w/where to Display frame/call stack,
  • l to Show the current code,
  • cat to show catchpoints.
  • h for more Help.

See also: Debugging with ruby-debug, Key shortcuts for ruby-debug gem.

In case the script just hangs and you need a backtrace, try using lldb/gdb like:

echo 'call (void)rb_backtrace()' | lldb -p $(pgrep -nf ruby)  

and then check your process foreground.

Replace lldb with gdb if works better. Prefix with sudo to debug non-owned process.

Answer by Sergey for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

Another great tool is pry-byebug.

You can use it in the code by calling


Answer by Forvater for How do I debug Ruby scripts?

Well, ruby standard lib has an easy to use gdb-like console debugger: No need to install any extra gems. Rails scripts can be debugged that way too.


def say(word)    require 'debug'    puts word  end  

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