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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Why Android Studio says

Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

I am working with Android Studio. Since last night, when I Run my project on my device, appear the message "Waiting For Debugger". It is a very strange behavior because I am not debugging application.

I've tried to uninstall application from my device and press Run on Android Studio. The message appears again.

I've tried to restart Android Studio. The message appears again.

The only way to properly install application on my phone is to press "Debug". The message appears but its automatically closed. Then application works fine.

I am going crazy!?

I've tried with


... and still the message appears.

LogCat says:

E/InputDispatcher? channel ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!  E/Launcher? Error finding setting, default accessibility to not found: accessibility_enabled  

Regards on first error line, someone says that the problems can starts after renaming of some resource. But its not my case.

Regards on second error line, ... I dont know. I really dont know what happens to my IDE.

Answer by JohnL for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

I've ran into this issue in the past and again today. In my case the problem is resolved by a device reboot. After a clean boot I can again run the application and the "Waiting for Debugger" prompt does not appear.

Answer by Robocide for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

faster than rebooting is Just go to developer options and switch it off and on again (dont forget to check usb debugging option too), worked for me(Neuxs5).

Answer by CodyF for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

You can fix this issue without re-booting your device. Just go to Developer Options and go to the option "Select app to be debugged". It will likely be pointing to your application. Just select the option and then select "None".

Answer by Lucian Novac for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

I have the same problem. In my case I have two development environments open in the same time: Android Studio and Eclipse. After I close Eclipse and run the debug process again works well. Hope this help!

Answer by Lou Prado for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

After 8 hours on this problem I feel obliged to share the cause. My /etc/hosts was bad.

Make sure you can ping localhost and that it is defined to AS expects to connect to localhost:8600.

Answer by Jalkin for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

I had this problem; In Android Studio I accidentally hit Run > 'Debug App' instead of Run> Run 'App' . I solved the problem. In my case I had to get the application to launch successfully in DEBUG mode. Here were my steps-

1) The android device needs to be able to connect to the development PC on port 8600. This connection was being disallowed by my firewall configuration. I turned off the firewall. Once confirmed I created a firewall rule to allow connectivity between the devices on port 8600.

2) To validate that the port is available, you can go into Android Studio, Run > Attach debugger to Android Process. This will cause the android device application launched in DEBUG mode to connect to your Android Studio development PC.

3) Once the app has launched once, you can go back and Run > Run 'App' and you will no longer get the annoying screen 'WAITING for DEBUGGER'.

4) And you can also Run> Debug 'App'. The device will say "Waiting for Debugger" for a moment and then Android Studio will start up a Debugger Console and help you debug your android device app remotely!

Good luck

Answer by Raghav Thakkar for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

1) Clear android studio cache memory from file->Invalid cache/restart.

2) After restarting the android studio please restart android emulator.

Answer by Umair Qudus for Why Android Studio says "Waiting For Debugger" if am NOT debugging?

Rebooting phone solved my problem.

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