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Saturday, July 16, 2016

Resources for getting started on

Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

After having heard about new parts of the Perl ecosystem, such as Moose, DeclareX, and Catalyst, I thought that it'd be nice to take a look at Perl. Unfortunately, all of the introductory material I can find targets Perl 5.8 or 5.6, and knows nothing about these newer frameworks?let alone features introduced in recent Perl versions, such as the ~~ operator. What resources are available for someone interested in coming to Perl fresh, and wanting to learn the current best-practice way to do things right from the get-go?

While I can read the 3rd edition of the camel book, then work the rest of my way through piles of CPAN documentation and the like, I'd tremendously appreciate a tutorial that doesn't force me to learn a bunch of deprecated ways to do things, just to turn around and unlearn them again when I read a reference manual. Real-world code that's well-documented and uses some of these newer corners of Perl would also be wonderful.

Answer by perigrin for Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

chromatic is in the process of writing a Modern Perl book which is available for preview in his Github account. The recent Catalyst book by Kieren Diment and Matt Trout covers several modern perl practices and the current "Enlightened Stack" as Matt I believe calls it.

There is also work going on for a Moose book, but I doubt it will be available before next summer even if the authors were able to focus on it full time. For learning Best Practices, as long as you take it with a huge grain of salt the discussion in Damian's Perl Best Practices is worth reading. I wouldn't recommend his practices are best, but they illuminate where the conversation points are and you can google around for people's comments on it. The biggest problem I personally had was the OO suggestions it had, and it led me to find Moose which I adore.

Finally, interact with the community. Join a mailing list or three, an irc channel or two, and blog regularly about what you're learning. The Perl community is generally supportive of helping people who really are interested in learning find the tools they need.

Answer by brian d foy for Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

Learning Perl, 5th Edition is current up to 5.10. There's even a chapter for the smart match operator, just like you want, in addition to the other new features that a beginner will want. If you want to start learning Perl, that's the book to use. Once you get through it, move onto whatever else you want to do. I'll have Effective Perl Programming, 2nd Edition out around the start of spring too. That will be current up to 5.10.1 (and maybe a little farther since we use at least one 5.12 feature in some code).

You really don't want a book on Catalyst or Moose. Anything you read will be out of date because those projects have a high velocity and the practices change pretty quickly. You're going to need to learn the basics before you dive into the advanced topics, anyway.

To continue as a programmer, you're going to have to get used to not depending on books. I can't write them as fast as stuff changes, so you have to learn from the documentation too. That's just how life is.

Answer by Christopher Bottoms for Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

I would recommend the mentioned Learning Perl 5th Edition followed by Damian Conway's Perl Best Practices (also previously mentioned).

I would like also point you to the PBP Module Recommendation Commentary that discusses the current "community view" of the modules discussed in Perl Best Practices.

Despite what is discussed (or not) at this site, two of my favorite Perl Best Practice recommendations are Data::Alias and Smart::Comments (Even though Smart::Comments is a source filter, you can easily remove it before sending your code to production. It is great for debugging.).

Answer by mmmpork for Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

There was an excellent talk at OSCON by Paul Fenwick on "Awesome Things You've Missed in Perl" where he gives several code examples and usage tips for using Modern Perl.

The talk was recorded, but it's not on the list of recordings yet:

Here are some other great talks worth checking out that also provide examples of Modern Perl:

And finally (not from OSCON):

Larry Wall speaking at Google

Answer by smonff for Resources for getting started on "modern" Perl

Even if this answer is very late, a new book about Modern Perl has came out on 2012. It's called Beginning Perl and is written by Curtis 'Ovid' Poe. It focuses on learning the Perl skills employers are looking for and is for both programming beginners or for experimented programmers who want to learn a new language.

After introduce the language itself, Ovid continue on DBIx::Class, Moose, Catalyst, and more CPAN tools and community's best practices with a lot of real-world examples, demonstrating how you actually use Perl in the workplace, for web development, data processing or system administration. The book was first available for free on the O'Reilly website, but has been removed now (you have to pay for a printed or electronic version).

Hope it will be useful for future readers of this QA.

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