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Sunday, March 5, 2017

FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

We have followed the Add Firebase to your Android Project but we can't see the app receiving data in the Firebase Console.
And when we launch the app, the log says:

FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful  

What does this mean? What are we doing wrong?
I can't find this error in the docs, nor here in StackOverflow.

Answer by Sayyam for FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

It happens when you dont have apply plugin: '' in your app/build.gradle. Try adding it.

Also make sure you have Google Play services SDK installed in Android SDK Manager.

Answer by RichardG for FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

I got the same logcat output.

Fixed it by updating my Google Play Services dependency to 9.0.0 in my app/build.gradle

and updating

buildScript {      //...      dependencies {          //...          classpath ''      }  }  

in my project build.gradle to 3.0.0

Answer by syslogic for FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

What does this mean? What are we doing wrong?

Would assume, that the authentication did not succeed.

a) the buildscript repositories and dependencies for the Project level build.gradle:

buildscript {      repositories {          jcenter()      }      dependencies {            // Gradle Plugin          classpath ""            // Google Services Plugin          classpath ""      }  }  

b) the dependencies for the Module level app/build.gradle (the Android Intel x86 images may still have the previous version of the Google Play Services installed, eg. currently 9.8.0 runs on the x86 emulator, while 10.2.0 runs on my physical ARM device). referencing play-services and firebase-core will compile all their dependencies, unless excluding some them.

android {      ....  }    dependencies {      ...      // Google Play Services Library (in particular "play-services-auth")      compile ""        // Google Firebase Library      compile ""  }  

c) the bottom line of app/build.gradle should be:

// apply the Google Services Plugin  apply plugin: ''  

d) make sure to have the (downloaded) credentials available at app/google-services.json; on the Firebase Console, one has to add both SHA1 (or SHA256) hashes, of the debug and the release key-store, in order to have both builds authenticating properly; once all matches, it should report:

I/FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization successful  

@see Setup Google Play Services or Firebase Quickstart.

Answer by Victor Mwenda for FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

The first thing I would advice you to check on is:

1) Have you included the uses-permission INTERNET in your Manifest ?

Answer by Juan Pablo for FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization unsuccessful

In my case I was trying to Selectively compile Google play Services. Instead of using

compile ''  

as described at:

I manually added maps and some other dependencies module from Google Play Services as

compile ''  compile ''  

Unfourtunately Firebase stoped working after this.

As a result I had to rollback and return to use

compile ''  

instead of selectively.

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