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Monday, December 14, 2015

Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

I have the following code: There exists a numpy array multidimensional_array which has either has all integers and no zeros, or one zero among many integers:

zeros_list = []       for line in multidimensional_array:   # if find any zeros, append to list 'zeros'      for x in line:          if x.any() == 0:              zeros_list.append(x)          else:              pass    for item in zeros:      if item == 0:          sys.stdout.write( 'True')   # if there is a zero, True      else:          sys.stdout.write( 'False')  # otherwise, False  

Unfortunately, this doesn't run correctly. If there's a zero, it outputs True. If not, nothing happens. Each time I run this within a python script, it should reset. How can I set this to run 'False'?

Answer by letsc for Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

Since you said s is a string, a MUCH easier wasy would be to use string.count()

>>> s = '112312390'  >>> s.count('0')  1  >>> s = '11231239'  >>> s.count('0')  0  >>>  

Answer by Ibrahim Ahmed for Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

To add

import sys  zeros_list = []  string1 = input() #If you received the string this way, below code is valid.     for line in string1:   # if find any zeros, append to list 'zeros'      for x in line:          if x == '0':#Here you should not check for digits when ciphering a string. Unless you put int(item) which could cause a TypeError              zeros_list.append(x)          else:              pass    for item in zeros_list:      if item == '0': #Here you should not check for digits when ciphering a string. Unless you put int(item) which could cause a TypeError          sys.stdout.write( 'True')   # if there is a zero, True      else:          sys.stdout.write( 'False')  # otherwise, False`  


for item in zeros: #Did you mean zeros_list?  

End note, any() is not a builtin Python function, where did this come about? Please include all the code necessary to run your code.

I stand corrected, any() is a useful function :D

Just so you know, 0 in Python as a boolean is False.

    if item == 0:  

In the second for loop could have a different outcome than what you are expecting.

Answer by Łukasz for Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

If you append zeros_list then is should be:

for item in zeros_list:  

Answer by John La Rooy for Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

>>> import numpy as np  >>> A = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]])  >>> (A==0).any()  False  >>> (A!=0).all()  True  >>> 0 not in A  True  >>> A = np.array([[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,0,9]])  >>> (A==0).any()  True  >>> (A!=0).all()  False  >>> 0 not in A  False  

Answer by timgeb for Python script gives multiple outputs, if/else sys.out

I am sorry. It is a [multidimensional] numpy array. Is there or is there not one zero in a numpy array? That's the test

Alright, that will get us someplace. You can simply issue

0 in multidimensional_array  


>>> import numpy as np  >>> test1 = np.arange(6).reshape(2,3)  >>> test1  array([[0, 1, 2],         [3, 4, 5]])  >>> 0 in test1  True  >>> test1[0][0] = 42  >>> test1  array([[42,  1,  2],     [ 3,  4,  5]])  >>> 0 in test1  False  

Fatal error: Call to a member function getElementsByTagName() on a non-object in D:\XAMPP INSTALLASTION\xampp\htdocs\endunpratama9i\www-stackoverflow-info-proses.php on line 71


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