Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
My friend ran into a question in an interview and he was told that there is an O(n) solution. However, neither of us can think it up. Here is the question:
There is a string which contains just (
and )
, find the length of the longest valid parentheses substring, which should be well formed.
For example ")()())"
, the longest valid parentheses is ()()
and the length is 4.
I figured it out with dynamic programming, but it is not O(n). Any ideas?
public int getLongestLen(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return 0; int len = s.length(), maxLen = 0; boolean[][] isValid = new boolean[len][len]; for (int l = 2; l < len; l *= 2) for (int start = 0; start <= len - l; start++) { if ((s.charAt(start) == '(' && s.charAt(start + l - 1) == ')') && (l == 2 || isValid[start+1][start+l-2])) { isValid[start][start+l-1] = true; maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, l); } } return maxLen; }
Answer by David for Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
I did this question before, and it is not easy to come up with O(n) solution under pressure. Here is it, which is solved with stack.
private int getLongestLenByStack(String s) { //use last to store the last matched index int len = s.length(), maxLen = 0, last = -1; if (len == 0 || len == 1) return 0; //use this stack to store the index of '(' Stack stack = new Stack(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == '(') stack.push(i); else { //if stack is empty, it means that we already found a complete valid combo //update the last index. if (stack.isEmpty()) { last = i; } else { stack.pop(); //found a complete valid combo and calculate max length if (stack.isEmpty()) maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - last); else //calculate current max length maxLen = Math.max(maxLen, i - stack.peek()); } } } return maxLen; }
Answer by nbrooks for Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
You can increment/decrement an int variable for each open-parenthesis/close-parenthesis respectively. Keep track of the number of such valid operations (where the variable doesn't go below 0) as the current length, and keep track of the longest-such as the max.
public int getLongestLen(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) { return 0; } int stack = 0; int counter = 0; int max = 0; for (Character c: s.toCharArray()) { if (c == '(') { stack++; } if (c == ')') { stack--; } if (stack >= 0) { counter++; } if (stack < 0) { counter = 0; stack = 0; } if (counter > max && stack == 0) { max = counter; } } return max; }
Answer by Haris for Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
just came up with the solution, do comment if there is anything wrong
count = 0 //stores the number of longest valid paranthesis empty stack s arr[]; //contains the string which has the input, something like ())(()( while(i
print count
Answer by harishvc for Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
ALGORITHM: Entire code on GitHub
1. Add to stack
1.1 initialize with -1,handle )) without ((
2. When you see ) pop from stack
2.a if stack size == 0 (no match), push current index values
2.b if stack size > 0 (match), get max length by subtracting index of value at top from current index (totally wicked!)
def longestMatchingParenthesis(a): pstack = [] #index position of left parenthesis pstack.append(-1) #default value; handles ) without ( and when match adds up to 2! stack_size = 1 result = 0 for i in range(0,len(a)): if a[i] == '(': pstack.append(i) #Append current index stack_size += 1 else: # handle ) pstack.pop() stack_size -= 1 #determine length of longest match! if stack_size > 0: #difference of current index - index at top of the stack (yet to be matched) result = max(result, i - pstack[-1]) else: #stack size == 0, append current index pstack.append(i) stack_size += 1 return result a = ["()()()", "", "((((", "(((()", "(((())(", "()(()" ,"()(())"] for x in a: print("%s = %s" % (x,longestMatchingParenthesis(x))) #output ()()() = 6 = 0 (((( = 0 (((() = 2 (((())( = 4 ()(() = 2 ()(()) = 6
Answer by Ashish for Find the length of the longest valid parenthesis sequence in a string, in O(n) time
Please find the simplest working solution.
#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include int findMaxLen(string str) { int n = str.length(); // Create a stack. stack stk; // Initialize result int result = 0; // Traverse all characters of given string for (int i = 0; i
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