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Sunday, October 30, 2016

How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

Say, I have given a DataFrame with most of the columns being categorical data.

> data.head()    age risk     sex smoking  0  28   no    male      no  1  58   no  female      no  2  27   no    male     yes  3  26   no    male      no  4  29  yes  female     yes  

And I would like to subset this data by a dict of key-value pairs for those categorical variables.

tmp = {'risk':'no', 'smoking':'yes', 'sex':'female'}  

Hence, I would like to have the following subset.

data[ (data.risk == 'no') & (data.smoking == 'yes') & ( == 'female')]  

What I want to do is:


What is the most python / pandas way of doing this?

Minimal example:

import numpy as np  import pandas as pd  from pandas import Series, DataFrame    x = Series(random.randint(0,2,50), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']    y = Series(random.randint(0,2,50), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']    z = Series(random.randint(0,2,50), dtype='category') = ['male', 'female']    a = Series(random.randint(20,60,50), dtype='category')    data = DataFrame({'risk':x, 'smoking':y, 'sex':z, 'age':a})    tmp = {'risk':'no', 'smoking':'yes', 'sex':'female'}  

Answer by Patrick Haugh for How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

You could build a boolean vector that checks those attributes. Probably a better way though:

df[risk == 'no' and smoking == 'yes' and sex == 'female' for (age, risk, sex, smoking) in df.itertuples()]  

Answer by Psidom for How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

You can create a look up data frame from the dictionary and then do an inner join with the data which will have the same effect as query:

from pandas import merge, DataFrame  merge(DataFrame(tmp, index =[0]), data)  

enter image description here

Answer by MaxU for How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

I would use .query() method for this task:

In [103]: qry = ' and '.join(["{} == '{}'".format(k,v) for k,v in tmp.items()])    In [104]: qry  Out[104]: "sex == 'female' and risk == 'no' and smoking == 'yes'"    In [105]: data.query(qry)  Out[105]:     age risk     sex smoking  7   24   no  female     yes  22  43   no  female     yes  23  42   no  female     yes  25  24   no  female     yes  32  29   no  female     yes  40  34   no  female     yes  43  35   no  female     yes  

Answer by jezrael for How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

You can use list comprehension with concat and all:

import numpy as np  import pandas as pd    np.random.seed(123)  x = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,10), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']  y = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,10), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']  z = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,10), dtype='category') = ['male', 'female']    a = pd.Series(np.random.randint(20,60,10), dtype='category')    data = pd.DataFrame({'risk':x, 'smoking':y, 'sex':z, 'age':a})  print (data)    age risk     sex smoking  0  24   no    male     yes  1  23  yes    male     yes  2  22   no  female      no  3  40   no  female     yes  4  59   no  female      no  5  22   no    male     yes  6  40   no  female      no  7  27  yes    male     yes  8  55  yes    male     yes  9  48   no    male      no  
tmp = {'risk':'no', 'smoking':'yes', 'sex':'female'}  mask = pd.concat([data[x[0]].eq(x[1]) for x in tmp.items()], axis=1).all(axis=1)  print (mask)  0    False  1    False  2    False  3     True  4    False  5    False  6    False  7    False  8    False  9    False  dtype: bool    df1 = data[mask]  print (df1)   age risk     sex smoking  3  40   no  female     yes  
L = [(x[0], x[1]) for x in tmp.items()]  print (L)  [('smoking', 'yes'), ('sex', 'female'), ('risk', 'no')]    L = pd.concat([data[x[0]].eq(x[1]) for x in tmp.items()], axis=1)  print (L)    smoking    sex   risk  0    True  False   True  1    True  False  False  2   False   True   True  3    True   True   True  4   False   True   True  5    True  False   True  6   False   True   True  7    True  False  False  8    True  False  False  9   False  False   True  



N = 1000000  np.random.seed(123)  x = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,N), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']  y = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,N), dtype='category') = ['no', 'yes']  z = pd.Series(np.random.randint(0,2,N), dtype='category') = ['male', 'female']    a = pd.Series(np.random.randint(20,60,N), dtype='category')    data = pd.DataFrame({'risk':x, 'smoking':y, 'sex':z, 'age':a})    #[1000000 rows x 4 columns]  print (data)      tmp = {'risk':'no', 'smoking':'yes', 'sex':'female'}      In [133]: %timeit (data[pd.concat([data[x[0]].eq(x[1]) for x in tmp.items()], axis=1).all(axis=1)])  10 loops, best of 3: 89.1 ms per loop    In [134]: %timeit (data.query(' and '.join(["{} == '{}'".format(k,v) for k,v in tmp.items()])))  1 loop, best of 3: 237 ms per loop    In [135]: %timeit (pd.merge(pd.DataFrame(tmp, index =[0]), data.reset_index()).set_index('index'))  1 loop, best of 3: 256 ms per loop  

Answer by kezzos for How to use a dict to subset a DataFrame?

I think you can could use the to_dict method on your dataframe, and then filter using a list comprehension:

df = pd.DataFrame(data={'age':[28, 29], 'sex':["M", "F"], 'smoking':['y', 'n']})  print df  tmp = {'age': 28, 'smoking': 'y', 'sex': 'M'}    print pd.DataFrame([i for i in df.to_dict('records') if i == tmp])      >>>    age sex smoking  0   28   M       y  1   29   F       n       age sex smoking  0   28   M       y  

You could also convert tmp to a series:

ts = pd.Series(tmp)    print pd.DataFrame([i[1] for i in df.iterrows() if i[1].equals(ts)])  

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